

Total data terfilter: 100
ID Layanan Harga/K Min. Maks. Waktu Rata-rata Rating
60540 Spotify Premium Plays [MAX 1M] [START 12 HOURS] Rp 12.145 1.000 1.000.000 7 jam, 2 menit, 3 detik
61820 Spotify Premium Playlist/Album Plays [1-12H - 3.5k / Day] Rp 14.652 1.000 1.000.000 5 jam, 31 menit, 48 detik
61309 Spotify Plays [MAX 10M] [Worldwide Premium] [Royalty Eligible] Rp 41.126 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
61821 Spotify Premium Plays [USA] [1-12H - 3.5k / Day] Rp 13.880 1.000 1.000.000 2 jam, 19 menit, 37 detik
61822 [NEW] [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Search Premium Plays Rp 14.652 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
61823 ⚠️ [NEW] [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Premium Plays (Small Amounts) Rp 26.219 20 100.000.000 Not enough data
61824 Spotify - Followers [ Podcast/Show ] [30 Daya Refill ] [ 30k-50k/day ] [ Fast Start ] Rp 8.226 100 1.000.000 Not enough data
61825 Spotify Quality Followers [USA] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 17.480 20 100.000 2 jam, 57 menit, 27 detik
61826 ⚠️ [NEW] [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify User Followers Rp 17.480 20 100.000 10 jam, 28 menit, 45 detik
61827 ⚠️ [NEW] [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Playlist Plays (Small Amounts) Rp 24.677 20 100.000.000 Not enough data
61828 Spotify Monthly Listeners [1-12H - 2.5k / Day] Rp 27.761 500 15.000 Not enough data
61829 Spotify Monthly Listeners [USA] [1-12H - 2.5k / Day] Rp 30.845 500 15.000 Not enough data
61830 Spotify Playlist Followers [USA] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 15.422 20 100.000 4 jam, 27 menit, 46 detik
61831 Spotify Saves [For Track/Album] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 7.199 20 1.000.000 59 menit, 37 detik
61832 Spotify Premium Saves [For Track/Album] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 12.338 100 1.000.000 Not enough data
61833 Spotify Premium Saves [For Track/Album] [USA] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 9.768 20 1.000.000 5 jam, 56 menit, 19 detik
61834 Spotify Saves [For Track/Album] [USA] [1-12H - 50k / Day] Rp 8.483 100 1.000.000 14 jam, 35 menit, 19 detik
61835 Spotify - Save [ Track - Album - Episode ] [ Instant ] [ 30k-50k/day ] [ 30 Days Guarantee ] Rp 8.226 100 1.000.000 23 menit, 40 detik
69517 Spotify USA Plays [ROYALTY ELIGIBLE] [Refill: Lifetime] [Start Time:INSTANT] [Speed: Up to 3k/Day] Rp 8.098 500 Not enough data
69518 Spotify USA Editorial Plays [ROYALTY ELIGIBLE] [Refill: Lifetime] [Start Time:INSTANT] [Speed: Up to 3k/Day] Rp 19.664 500 Not enough data
69519 Spotify USA Algorithm Plays [ROYALTY ELIGIBLE] [Refill: Lifetime] [Start Time:INSTANT] [Speed: Up to 3k/Day] Rp 15.616 500 Not enough data
60583 Spotify Plays [MAX 10M] [LIFETIME GUARANTEED] NEW Rp 19.278 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
60584 Spotify Saves [MAX 100K] [For Track/Album] NEW Rp 5.962 20 1.000.000 15 jam, 52 menit, 36 detik
60585 Spotify Monthly Listeners [MAX 100K] NEW Rp 24.290 500 15.000 Not enough data
60586 Spotify Playlist Followers [MAX 100K] NEW Rp 14.510 20 100.000 20 jam, 58 menit, 23 detik
60587 Spotify Search Free Plays [MAX 10M] [EXCLUSIVE] NEW Rp 12.815 1.000 10.000.000 2 jam, 31 menit, 26 detik
60588 Spotify Search Premium Plays [MAX 10M] [EXCLUSIVE] NEW Rp 12.815 1.000 10.000.000 2 jam, 27 menit, 33 detik
60592 Spotify User Followers [MAX 100K] [HQ] NEW EXCLUSIVE Rp 14.510 20 100.000 9 jam, 26 menit, 35 detik
61123 Spotify Free Plays [MAX 100M] INSTANT Rp 12.852 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
61124 Spotift Plays [MAX 1M] [10K PER DAYS] [REAL AND NON DROP] LIFETIME GUARANTEE Rp 25.704 5.000 1.000.000 Not enough data
1997 Spotify USA Playlist Followers [Lifetime Guaranteed] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 12 Hours] [Speed: 50K/Day] ♻️ Rp 11.920 20 100.000 Jumlah pesan rata-rata 73. Waktu proses rata-rata 3 jam 39 menit 54 detik.
64976 Spotify Plays [ 🚫 - 1M ] [ Speed 20k/D ]⚡️ Rp 7.519 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
2001 Spotify Followers S5 [ 1M-2M/day ] [ R90 days ] Max 1M Rp 5.995 100 100.000.000 Jumlah pesan rata-rata 1.221. Waktu proses rata-rata 3 jam 36 menit 19 detik.
2002 Spotify Followers S6 [ 5M/day ] [ R30 days ] Max 100M Rp 4.906 100 100.000.000 Jumlah pesan rata-rata 240. Waktu proses rata-rata 2 jam 52 menit 35 detik.
64722 Spotify Followers [ 100K ] Rp 31.103 20 100.000 31 menit, 6 detik
2003 Spotify Followers S7 [ User/Playlist/Artist] [ 1M-2M/day ] [ R365 days ] Max 100M Rp 6.814 100 100.000.000 Jumlah pesan rata-rata 230. Waktu proses rata-rata 2 jam 12 menit 47 detik.
64723 Spotify Followers [ 100K ] [ High Quality ] ~ 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 Rp 19.536 20 100.000 11 jam, 3 menit, 40 detik
64724 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Search Free Plays Rp 20.398 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
64725 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify User Followers Rp 22.826 20 100.000 1 jam, 8 menit, 26 detik
64726 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Free Plays (Small Amounts) Rp 29.303 20 100.000.000 Not enough data
64727 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Search Premium Plays Rp 20.398 1.000 10.000.000 8 jam, 45 menit, 22 detik
64728 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Playlist Plays (Small Amounts) Rp 29.303 20 100.000.000 Not enough data
64729 NEW - [EXCLUSIVE] Spotify Premium Plays (Small Amounts) Rp 30.653 20 100.000.000 Not enough data
64730 Spotify Premium Playlist/Album Plays [1-12H - 3.5k / Day] Rp 20.398 1.000 1.000.000 Not enough data
64731 Spotify Monthly Listeners [USA] [1-12H - 2.5k / Day] Rp 34.700 500 15.000 Not enough data
64732 Spotify Standard Package Rp 183.784 1 1 Not enough data
64733 Spotify Famous Package Rp 2.943.108 1 1 Not enough data
64734 Spotify Embedded Plays [EXCLUSIVE] Rp 23.096 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
64735 Spotify Rockstar Package Rp 3.347.946 1 1 Not enough data
64736 Spotify Plays [ 1M ] Rp 12.852 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
64737 Spotify Plays [ 5M ] [ 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐓 ] Rp 20.435 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
64738 Spotify Plays [ 100M ] Rp 25.704 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
64739 Spotify Premium Plays [ 1M ] Rp 20.563 1.000 1.000.000 Not enough data
64740 Spotify Playlist Followers [ 200K ] Rp 23.392 20 200.000 18 jam, 51 menit, 38 detik
64741 Spotify Playlist Plays Rp 17.222 1.000 1.000.000 Not enough data
64742 Spotify Playlist | Album Plays [ 1M ] Rp 21.206 1.000 10.000.000 Not enough data
64743 Spotify Playlist | Album Premium Plays [ 1M ] Rp 39.841 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
64744 Spotify Monthly Listeners [ 50K ] Rp 29.560 500 15.000 2 hari, 12 jam, 44 menit, 50 detik
60905 Spotify Followers [MAX 1M] [150K PER DAYS] NO REFILL Rp 23.579 200 100.000 Not enough data
64745 Spotify Starter Package Rp 231.336 1 1 Not enough data
60906 Spotify Playlist Followers [MAX 1M] [150K PER DAYS] NO REFILL Rp 23.579 200 100.000 33 menit, 40 detik
64746 Spotify Advanced Package Rp 436.968 1 1 Not enough data
64747 Spotify Pro Package Rp 1.542.240 1 1 Not enough data
64748 Spotify Saves [ For Track/Album ] Rp 85.595 20 1.000.000 Not enough data
64749 Spotify Premium Saves [ For Track/Album ] Rp 167.076 100 1.000.000 Not enough data
60657 Spotify Quality Followers [MAX 100K] [50K PER DAYS] NEW Rp 17.480 20 100.000 16 jam, 6 menit, 30 detik
60658 Spotify Playlist Plays [MAX 1M] [1.5K PER DAYS] NEW Rp 11.567 1.000 1.000.000 2 jam, 46 menit, 53 detik
60659 Spotify Playlist Plays [MAX 1M] [1.5K PER DAYS] [USA] NEW Rp 11.567 1.000 1.000.000 4 jam, 40 menit, 22 detik
61174 Spotify Followers [MAX 100K] [LOW QUALITY] CHEAPEST Rp 13.367 100 1.000.000 Not enough data
Spotify [PACKAGE]
ID Layanan Harga/K Min. Maks. Waktu Rata-rata Rating
62984 Spotify Starter Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 3K Plays + 3K Saves + 300 Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 51.821 1 1 3 hari, 15 jam, 47 menit, 1 detik
62985 Spotify Standard Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 5K Plays + 500 Saves + 500 Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 77.730 1 1 Not enough data
62986 Spotify Advanced Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 10K Plays + 1K Saves + 1K Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 233.188 1 1 Not enough data
62987 Spotify Pro Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 100K Plays + 10K Saves + 10K Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 1.165.934 1 1 Not enough data
62988 Spotify Famous Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 150K Plays + 15K Saves + 15K Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 2.331.868 1 1 Not enough data
62989 Spotify Rockstar Package [Non Drop] [Min/Max: 320K Plays + 30K Saves + 30K Follows] [Start Time: 0-12 Hours] [Speed: 500-1K/Day] Rp 2.720.512 1 1 Not enough data
61836 Spotify Starter Package Rp 59.119 1 1 Not enough data
61837 Spotify Standard Package Rp 88.679 1 1 Not enough data
61838 Spotify Advanced Package Rp 266.036 1 1 Not enough data
61839 Spotify Pro Package Rp 1.330.182 1 1 Not enough data
61840 Spotify Famous Package Rp 2.660.364 1 1 Not enough data
61841 Spotify Rockstar Package Rp 3.103.758 1 1 Not enough data
Spotify Algorithmic Plays
ID Layanan Harga/K Min. Maks. Waktu Rata-rata Rating
67116 Spotify Algorithmic Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 50K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 96.070 50.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67117 Spotify Algorithmic Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 1M] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 63.940 1.000.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67473 Spotify Algorithmic Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 1K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 12.145 1.000 9 jam, 8 menit, 56 detik
Spotify Editorial Plays
ID Layanan Harga/K Min. Maks. Waktu Rata-rata Rating
67118 Spotify Editorial Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 50K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 96.070 50.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67119 Spotify Editorial Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 1M] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 63.940 1.000.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67474 Spotify Editorial Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 1K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 39.134 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67475 Spotify Editorial Plays [USA] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 50K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 25.640 50.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
67476 Spotify Editorial Plays [USA] [PICK YOUR OWN PLAYLIST] [Refill: Lifetime] [MIN: 1K] [Max: 100M] [Start Time: 0 - 24 Hrs] [Speed: up to 5M/Day] Rp 39.134 1.000 100.000.000 Not enough data
Spotify Fast Plays [Targeted]
ID Layanan Harga/K Min. Maks. Waktu Rata-rata Rating
68709 🇬🇧 Spotify Playlist Plays [UNITED KINGDOM] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed] [Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68710 🇫🇷 Spotify Playlist Plays [FRANCE] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68711 🇩🇪 Spotify Playlist Plays [GERMANY] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68712 🇮🇹 Spotify Playlist Plays [ITALY] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68713 🇧🇷 Spotify Playlist Plays [BRAZIL] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68714 🇵🇹 Spotify Playlist Plays [PORTUGAL] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68715 🇨🇦 Spotify Playlist Plays [CANADA] [Speed: 100K Daily] [Max: 1M] [Lifetime Guaranteed][Drip-Feed ON] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68716 Spotify Playlist Plays [🇸🇪 SWEDEN] [Refill: Lifetime] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 0 - 12 Hrs] [Speed: Up to 100K/D] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68717 Spotify Playlist Plays [🇲🇽 MEXICO] [Refill: Lifetime] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 0 - 12 Hrs] [Speed: Up to 100K/D] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68718 Spotify Playlist Plays [🇰🇷 SOUTH KOREA] [Refill: Lifetime] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 0 - 12 Hrs] [Speed: Up to 100K/D] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data
68719 Spotify Playlist Plays [🇧🇪 BELGIUM] [Refill: Lifetime] [Max: 1M] [Start Time: 0 - 12 Hrs] [Speed: Up to 100K/D] Rp 6.748 500 1.000.000 Not enough data